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Dai Morgan
Wizard born
15 Apr 2012
Trowbridge, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
22,7 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Dai (She/He) has dark brown eyes, wavy auburn chest length hair and olive skin with light freckles scattered across it. She is 4'9 and relatively skinny. She wears minimal jewellery, ears recently pierced with small circular black studs in them, and a thin silver chain necklace usually sitting under his clothes. She usually dresses himself in a casual, comfortable, masculine presenting style.

He is outspoken and talkative, not afraid to introduce herself to someone new or ask questions, usually ending up being the person to talk up when a friend is in need but too awkward to say anything. She values chivalry, often holding open doors for other students or willing to assist them with any school work or general troubles. Whilst relatively smart and interested in a variety of topics, he finds lessons often boring and a waste of time, spending his time trying to make her friends laugh or entertaining himself by eavesdropping on other students- he's a naturally curious, almost nosey person always up for a good gossip. Whilst generally friendly and outgoing with everyone she holds grudges very easily and is a force to be reckoned with when angry or frustrated- often becoming impulsive and catty.

Dai grew up in Trowbridge, Wales with her mother Carys and grandmother Adele; when she was young they moved to Romania to support her father in his job at the dragon sanctuary he ends up dying in an unfortunate accident whilst attempting to tend to an injured dragon, leaving Carys widowed and moving back to Wales, suddenly being the sole provider of the house. As a result Dai was often left in the stern but capable hands of his grandmother due to her mother working a lot as she would prefer to earn her own money than have to continue borrowing from her.

Adele came from a long line of pure-bloods, dating back centuries, so you could imagine her shock when her only daughter brought home a muggle-born wizard with the all too enthusiastic intentions of marrying the man. Of course, the thought of losing her only remaining family was enough for her to, albeit very reluctantly, accept the match (and eventually get over a good amount of the blood-purist beliefs that she had been raised with) especially after the failings of her own love life with Carys father.

In her youth, Adele Davies had managed to win over the heart of a married man by the name of Corvus. In her stupidity she had expected that her love for him would be enough to convince him to stay with her and their daughter, but that was not the case. Despite him claiming to be ready to start a new life with her, she found out too late that if a man was unfaithful once, it was likely for him to do the same thing again and all too suddenly she found herself raising their daughter alone; though, not before she leeched him of every penny he owned in child-support (not that she needed it).

Dai was doted on at every turn by their grandmother, and though she was stern with high expectations, the two have a very close bond. Dai has always had an interest in the muggle way of life in honour of her father meaning she’d often visit nearby art museums and play muggle sports, indulging in the culture her father had grown up with.

Aged 6, Dai's first instance of magic was when she accidentally made a tea mug break from across the room when he wasn't allowed to play outside with her friends.