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Itsuki Makino
26 Feb 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Straight black hair dyed blue at the tips, brown eyes, pale skin, dark blue hoodie, jeans, black sneakers, short, slim

Mental Description: Smart, witty, creative, sarcastic at times, short-tempered, imaginative, ambivert, friendly, over thinker, brave, loyal, hard working

Biography: Before Hogwarts, I used to go to a Muggle school. I have a five-year-old sister who annoys me to no end, and best friends that I will stand by until the day I die. At school, I was one of the top students in the grade but disliked history. There would be people making snide remarks and insults at me, but I learned to ignore it and did my best to live a good school life. I loved reading fantasy and mystery books, and wrote my own stories. I would pretend I could do magic, and I sometimes got lost in my own world because of my wild imagination. It also led me to me being forgetful and dumb at times, but in my studies I would always pay attention.

First Instance of Magic: In third grade, a girl had stolen the book I had in my backpack and ripped all the pages out as I watched. I took all the remains of the book back home, but when I was trying to fix it with glue and tape, it all mended on its own.