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Bruce Johnson
13 Mar 2012
Helland, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,4 cm ash wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Bruce is tall and he have brown short hair and blue eyes. He have the white skin.

Mental Description:
He is honest but a little absent-minded. He is rather reliable. He is'nt jealous. He is not extremely clever but he is not stupid. He is very stubborn. He is polite.

He loves reading, video games.
He likes the sports, eating, playing a guitar, animals, the music.
He dislikes drawing, studing.
He hates work, writing, sleping.


Bruce was born on March 13 in England. He has a twin brother named Lyam. Lyam is a few minutes older than him. He also has a sister younger than him by two years, two months and two days. Her name is Jenny. Their parents are two muggles named Sayer and April. They are severe and strict. They had their children follow a very strict education but Bruce quickly grew tired of it and had difficulty following the lessons that their private teacher gave them. His parents were very disappointed and were more harsh with him than with the other two but his brother and sister have always supported him and they are very close and inseparable.

He never had the chance to have friends because his parents didn't really let them leave the mansion.

During the period when his parents was very sever with he, Bruce needed to leave the real world. This is why he was greatly interested in books and video games. In their huge mansion, there is a room entirely dedicated to them.

The day he and his brother learned that they were wizards, their parents didn't want to believe it and he didn't want to let them go to Hogwarts. They finally reasoned and let them both go.

First Instance of Magic:

The first manifestation of his magical powers took place during his eighth year. during one of the rare family outings he had the opportunity to take, they were at the museum and he was looking at a painting with his brother and sister, a group of five boys who must have been 15 years old came to disturb them and they were going to hit his brother. The young boy was scared but above all angry at the boys. Without anyone understanding why, the boy who seemed to be the leader of the group lost his voice which had turned into the meows of a kitten. A second had started to get into trouble, a third had lost his pontoon. The other two had run away as quickly as possible and the three children had laughed a lot without understanding what had just happened.