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Chrysanthe Rosewood
14 Mar 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
31,2 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Chrysanthe is a fair skinned, freckled lass with hazel eyes. She has long, soft red hair that frames her face. She's quite slim and a little underweight however she is trying to fix it. She has a slightly angular jaw and thin lips. She's often seen wearing a dark grey hoodie with either a pair of sweatpants or ripped jeans. She has lace up sneakers and short socks. She usually has her hair down however puts it up when she's working.

While Chrysanthe is usually mentally sound, she does struggle with body image a lot and tends to under eat, leaving her a little fatigued. She's fairly well and has a good head on her shoulders. She suffers with minor anxiety and body dysmorphia but combats it with the help of her family.

Chrysanthe had a fairly normal childhood, with a loving father and doting mother. She has two older brothers, Bane and Hemlock. Her mother is a herbologist and potion mistress while her father is a lawyer. She loves her family dearly and grew up around her mother's magic. Her mother was worried she would be squib too, like her brother Hemlock, however during her 7th birthday, she managed to explode a cake during the birthday song. Her mother scolded her but was relieved to know one of her children shared her magical blood. While her brother, Hemlock was a little jealous that his little sister was magical, he never resented her for it and instead helped her thrive and keep her safe.