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Isabelle Clark
03 Dec 2011
Bangor, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
20,3 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Isabelle is an intelligent and cunning young girl who is very self-aware and understands her surroundings well. From a young age, she displayed a knack for getting what she wanted, using both her charm and wit. She is also quite ambitious and has a strong desire to be at the top, no matter what it might cost her. Isabelle is highly analytical, often observing situations before jumping into them. As a hobby, she enjoys playing strategic games like chess, which she learned from her grandfather, and reading about the history of the magical world.

Isabelle stands at 4 feet 9 inches, just slightly above average for her age. She has pale skin that contrasts sharply with her deep green eyes - a trait inherited from her mother. Her long, silver-white hair is a point of pride for her, though she did dye some of it black for the cool look she felt it gave her. It cascades down her back in thick waves, usually left untamed. As for her attire, she often dresses in a neat and organized manner, reflective of her serious nature. No scars mar her skin, thanks to the magical prowess of her family, ensuring any childhood mishap was immediately remedied.

Isabelle Clark hails from a long line of Pure-Blood wizards. Her parents, while well-versed in the Dark Arts, kept this knowledge hidden from her and ensured she had a normal, loving childhood. The Clarks live in a grand old mansion, surrounded by woods and away from Muggle settlements. Here, Isabelle grew up listening to stories of the olden times, playing in the gardens, and learning basic etiquette and knowledge from a private tutor.

While the Clarks are Pure-Blooded, they believe in equipping Isabelle with knowledge of both worlds. As such, she had a private Muggle tutor until the age of 10, ensuring she was well-versed in reading, writing, basic math, and other age-appropriate academic topics.

It was important for the family to ensure that Isabelle had no awareness of her parents' affinity for the Dark Arts. They wanted her to choose her path without any biases. Her parents, while holding onto their traditions, also made sure Isabelle had everything she needed. There were no computers or any Muggle devices in the house, but they ensured she knew about the Muggle world from books and her tutor's teachings.

First Instance of Magic:
At the age of 7, while playing hide and seek in the garden, Isabelle found herself in a tricky situation. Trying to find the perfect hiding spot, she accidentally locked herself inside a small garden shed. Panicking and fearing she might not be found, she felt all she could do was nothing but breakdown and cry. Moments later, the shed door swung open on its own. Astonished, her parents recognized it as her first display of accidental wandless magic. They celebrated the occasion, marking the beginning of her magical journey.

Magical Affinity and Early Signs:
Besides the incident with the garden shed door, Isabelle showed other signs of her burgeoning magical abilities. On one occasion, when she was upset after losing a game of chess, the pieces started moving on their own, setting themselves up for a new game. Another time, during a minor disagreement with her tutor, all the books in the study room flew off the shelves, hovering mid-air until she calmed down.

Friendships and Social Life:
Isabelle has always been somewhat of a loner, preferring the company of her books and games to that of other children. However, she does have a close-knit group of friends, all from Pure-Blood families, whom she meets during family gatherings and events. They share tales of their own magical incidents, discuss Hogwarts, and dream about the houses they'd be sorted into.

Expectations for Hogwarts:
Isabelle has always looked forward to attending Hogwarts. She's heard tales of the Sorting Hat, Quidditch matches, and magical lessons from her parents and elder relatives. Her ambition makes her hope for a place in Slytherin, the house known for producing wizards that are cunning, resourceful, and ambitious. However, she's also aware that the Sorting Hat's decision is unpredictable, and she's prepared to embrace whichever house she's sorted into.

Family Relations:
Isabelle is close to her parents, especially her mother, from whom she inherited her unique hair color and sharp intelligence. Her father often shares tales of his time at Hogwarts, subtly emphasizing the importance of making the right friends and alliances. She also has a younger brother, with whom she shares a typical sibling relationship – a mix of small squabbles and deep-seated affection.
Her grandparents, especially her paternal grandfather, have had a significant influence on her. He taught her chess and often speaks of the importance of strategy, not just in games but in life.

Dreams and Aspirations:
Isabelle dreams of making a name for herself in the magical world. She aspires to be someone powerful and influential, whether it's in the Ministry of Magic, the world of magical research, or even Quidditch. However, she's also smart enough to know that power comes at a price. While she's ambitious, she's also cautious, always weighing the pros and cons before making a decision.

Isabelle also harbors a deep curiosity about the Dark Arts, a subject that's been subtly hinted at in hushed conversations among the elders in her family. She's unsure where this path might lead her, especially given her parents' secretive nature about their own involvement. But the allure of the unknown is tempting, and as she steps into Hogwarts, she's on the threshold of discovering many secrets, not just about the magical world, but also about her own lineage.