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Starlette Lavander
19 Feb 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
31,9 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Starlette almost always has messy dark hair, she has pale skin and dark brown eyes. She's quite skinny but she likes to hide it. She inherited her mother's eyes but got her father's messy hair. She sometimes likes to wear makeup but sometimes prefers not to.

She tries to be a nice person to everyone but she likes not talking to people much, she loves quidditch but she's not very sporty so she would love to learn. She hopes to be in Hufflepuff but she does not mind much because her mother was in Gryffindor, her father was in Ravenclaw and her brother is in Slytherin. Her mother's name is Isabella Sinclair-Lavander her father's is Alexander Lavander and her brother's, James Lavander. (has nothing to do with James Potter)

She never had a lot of friends and she was raised by both her father and mother and her only relatives (alive) are her father, mother and older brother (both parents pure-blod). She was going to have a younger sister but her mother had a miscarriage. She was a very quite person leading to not making friends. Her parents taught her about the wizarding world and she even got to watch the quidditch world cup. She also grew up loving quidditch and wanting to learn it as a hobby.

When she was 4 she accidentally made something float when she got angry with her parents for not giving her extra food. She started fussing and all of a sudden the lamp, which her parents were next to, started floating. Her parents got over excited but Starlette was just happy that she got some extra food.
(thanks about the message)-(I've edited it)