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Vilde Faun
07 Jul 2012
Islington, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,1 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Vilde is rather short for her age, standing around 4’6”, and quite bony. She’s a little insecure about being so small, but her mother insists she’ll grow. She has long blonde hair, fair skin, and a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are green, and she always wears a silver necklace with a dove around her neck.

Mental Description: Vilde is quiet, she’s never had many friends. She’s always spent most of her time alone wandering outside, or with her nose in a book. A girl with a wild imagination, she enjoys conjuring up stories, and either writing them down, or simply keeping them in her head while she plays. While she longs for friends, she’s also quite sensitive and emotional, and has the tendency to take harmless, possibly joking, remarks far too personally. Vilde is definitely a girl that wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s easy to get under her skin, and most of the time nobody is even trying to.

Biography: Vilde is the only child of Robert and Noora, both magical parents. Her father is English, and her mother was born in Norway. She has a good relationship with them both, though she’s a little closer with her father. The Faun family lives in a small cottage, tucked away in a peaceful neighborhood — perfect for their gentle nature. Vilde’s mother is muggleborn, and she grew up with both worlds in her life, seeing her grandparents in London semi regularly.

First Instance of Magic: Vilde was five when she first showed any signs of magic. Her parents were on holiday, and she was staying with her grandparents. She’d just finished dinner, and reached for a cookie on the counter. After a full day of stuffing her cheeks with chocolates, her grandmother said no, and Vilde, being the emotional girl she is, started wailing and the lights in the kitchen began to flicker. Drink glasses in the sink shattered, and the Berge grandparents had never rushed so fast to calm the little witch down. Her parents holiday was understandably cut short.