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Lily Blankins
Wizard born
03 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,2 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
I have green eyes and blonde hair. I'm 4,8 feet tall with long hair. My face is roundish, and my lips are pink. I'm not fat nor skinny. I have medium feet size. My hair is wavy and very long. I love keeping it down.
I am kind and always know the answer to a question. I am an easy-going nerd. Everyone likes me! I know everything. I've been studying for this my whole life. Everything they ask I know. I am popular though.

I read every book I could find. My family is very nice, and I have one sister who was at Hogwarts before. My mom and dad went here to. They were both quidditch players. My grandma was best friends with one of the teachers.

When I was 9 years old at school just peacefully eating my lunch, I had a peanut and honey sandwich (my favorite sandwich!). Some chips, a couple of grapes and a snickerdoodle cookie. When the worst kid in my grade just happened to come stumbling along! I was so scared, everyone feared him. He took one look at my cookies and grabbed them. I tried to get them back, but he was too tall! He started running away and I followed him. We ran for 5 minutes before he suddenly stopped right in front of me. He then punched me in the face. "Ahh" I said. Then he froze?! I was so confused. I was also so grateful I wasn't punched. When I told my parents they talked to the school. That bully got in a big amount of trouble. I never told them that I froze him. I just said I dogged the punch. I didn't know it at the time but, I used magic to stop that punch.