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Holly Adams
14 Mar 2012
Bristol, England
Second year, Slytherin
20,5 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Age: 11 years old
Weight: 70 pounds
Height: 4 feet 9 inches

Physical Description:
Her soft, long hair ends in the middle of her back and has a touch of ginger in her naturally blond. Her eyes are blue and just perfect to make puppy eyes and she has a very cute smile... that doesn't make it better, at least for her father's wallet.

Character Backstory:
Holly was born somewhere in Ireland on March 14, 2012, and lived there with her family until she was two years old. After that, they had to move to Bristol, England, thanks to her mother who could never resist or/and stop herself from arguing with their neighbors about anything. That was very typical of her mother (Charlotte Adams) who always was rough, tough, and strict with a very fearsome, fiery temper. She was almost the opposite of her Husband ("Liam" William Adams), who was a workaholic and a good parent like her, but very soft-spoken and rather talk than scream your ears to the day after tomorrow.

She had a Brother ("Al" Alfred Adams) who was two years older than her and loved to play tricks and prank her. But truth be told, she looked up to her brother. Yes, he often was mean to her and they had their "sibling quarrels", but she knew he would never let her down. Plus growing up they always played cards and board games with each other, which he mostly won by cheating, but they were fun. So yes, he was very troublesome, especially while getting homeschooled by their mother, but thanks to his horrid attitude she always looked like an angel to her parents. In the end, she would describe her childhood as very lovely, like a childhood should be.

But there is something you should know. Her Family may be known to be pure-blooded and always be in Slytherin. But it has a horrible reputation, so many families in the magical world avoid them or have a quarrel with them for what they did in the past. Her family seems to have many members who were "not-so-good" and were always on the "bad" side of almost everything, like in the last War, many Members were supporters of Voldemort. They had a lot to do with forbidden and dark magic like the unforgivable Curses, especially the Cruciatus Curse, but those Relatives (like aunts, uncles, and distant Relatives) who actually used those spells are still in Azkaban. But that curse was considered to be their signature Spell for a very long time. Plus the individual personalities of the members of this family were not always pleasant. But it's not only that bad temper. Many people would say they are the human representative of the dark triad. (Psychopathy, Machiavelli, and Narcissism.)

The story about her first Instance of Magic was when she was only three years old. It was thanks to her Brother. Because that dear, older Brother had once again a fantastic Idea. An Experiment and he needed his favorite guinea pig for that. (Something about what will be faster down the stairs.) Well... He wanted to do this experiment, but after he told his sister, she was so terrified that she ran away. A chase through the whole house started. But right before he could catch her the small coffee table moved and cut him off. His little toe still buzzes when he remembers. (Fun fact: Her Brother's first Instance of Magic was only three days after hers. A Teasing she never lets go.)

She has a bubbly personality. Always smiling, always happy.
Her other "good" traits are her optimism, candor, curiosity, and creativity. Her "quirks" would be her naivety, and that she is a bit slow with catching sarcasm and passive aggressiveness.
Anything else? Well, she is a polite and friendly young lady but, sometimes she unintentionally shows a sharp-tongued, that she got from growing up with her older brother.