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Ira Morris
19 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,2 cm dogwood wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Ira is a young girl with brown hair just below her shoulders. She has bright green eyes that tend to distract from the dark bags under her eyes. Tending to shower quite often, she is usually very clean and her hair is rarely ever greasy, but due to her careless nature, she is almost always dirty again by the end of a day. She has rosy cheeks and remaining baby fat that portrays a make her look younger than she than she actually is.

Mental Description: Ira struggles with undiagnosed general anxiety and social anxiety, additionally showing symptoms of having high functioning autism. This does not define her entire personality, though, and she is working on getting past those struggles. She is independent, but due to this she often feels lonely, even when around other people. Overly self conscious, she is careful with her words but still accidentally says some words too blunt for other people to take well. She loves to play video games, and looks forward to when she is old enough to play some of the more interesting ones. She is a cat person finding people who are high maintenance annoying, and prefers when people are able to provide her space from time to time.

Note: I do have knowledge as to all of these subjects, so will do my best to portray them in an accurate way. In addition, I have friends and family with these traits, so will also consult them

Biography: Her family is nothing particularly notable. Her mother is unheard of in the wizarding world, and her father is an unremarkable muggle, working a regular office job. She has an older sister, but she never developed magic and was always emotionally unavailable due to this. Her sister was always jealous of Ira, angry that she was the special one of the two, blaming the fact that their mother and father would never spend time with her on Ira. Ira’s father is almost always focused on his job or installing new functions on his watch, and her mother doesn’t care about her too much. It’s a lonely existence, every care is provided for, but there is no real emotional connection between the family (aside from the negative connection between her and her sister). School life was normal, she had a few friends, but was bullied on occasion for her odd behaviour. Admittedly, though, she would manage to ease their advances a bit by giving one of them a stick she found, a simple and somewhat silly gesture, but a sign of a truce.

First Instance of Magic: On one occasion, when she was being bullied, she teleported on top of a tree, and had to struggle to climb down. Her bullies would later brush this off as some sort of weird trick, or perhaps bad memory, which she would continue to assure them of if they ever brought it up.

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