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Quinn Brook
08 Oct 2011
Dublin, Ireland
Second year, Quidditch player, Ravenclaw
22,8 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Light skin and gently freckled cheeks with long brown hair that has dyed golden steaks blended in to look natural. curly/wavy hair and wears earings. Green/Blue eyes(sea green). painted nails, no glasses. pretty and 4ft 7 1/2 inches.

A curious and kind person who is very social. Smart and is in a advanced acedemic program(her parents had her go to a muggle school but her mom taught her about magic after school). She loves to have fun and she loves magic (or what she knows of it).

She had many friends and one of them (her best friend Valerie) was also invited to hogwarts! Her dad is a theater director and sometimes Quinn is one of the actors. She loves singing and dancing and anything theater. Her mom is the magic one and her dad was a little more then a little suprised when he found out but he still loved her. Her mom is a stay at home mom and sometimes uses magic to help out around the house. Quinns home is very cozy with couches and a blazing fire and her family has a good amount of money (not too much not too little). Quinn's little sibling, Sean, loves causing chaos and enjoys teasing Quinn about kind of anything. He loves her but is a annoying little brother. Her older sister Maeve is a very late bloomer. She never attened hogwarts but showed signs of magic... at the age of 12. Quinns parents felt bad so her mother created a school just for Maeve and helped her learn about magic. Quinn has a fun friend named Declan who turns out to be magic as well. His dad went to Ilvermorny so he sends Declan there. Quinn enjoys school and was pretty popular at her old elementary school, her favorite sport is irish dance (she is irish after all) and she loves to go outside when it isn't raining and enjoy the beauty of the irish greenery.

During school Quinn was running late for class(in the uk) and she tripped in the hallway then a bully came up to her and was going to hurt her but the bully flew 50ft backward due to Quinns magic which was comming from fear(the bully was just dazed) and Quinn was delighted but confused her mom was estatic(Quinn was only 9). Quinn had a few more small accidental acts of magic (by then she knew what it was and knew it was something that she couldn't controll without a wand).