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Constance Aphelion
31 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
29,5 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Constance originates from a wealthy pure blood family with lineage that can be traced back hundreds of years. Her parents are very well versed in the dark arts, but they always show her proper care and love. Her family still holds their blood status to great value. Growing up in London, Constance was always exposed to the ins and outs of the wizarding world, frequenting the Ministry of Magic with her father. She would spend her days roaming around London with friends and often accompanying her father to work at the Ministry.

Constance is a young girl that stands at about 150 cm. She has long curly brown hair that reaches her lower back. Her hazel eyes and bright smile are easily recognizable in a crowd.

Despite being raised in a strict pure blooded family, Constance holds no prejudice to those of lower blood status. She's always eager to makes friends, and is a personable girl. Constance is fiercely determined to excel in her studies, but is always willing to lend a helping hand. She often has a smile on her face and is excited easily. Constance takes great interest in dark creatures, despite her naturally happy and positive nature.

Constance's first instance of underaged magic happened when she was just six years old, inside her London home. She had been playing wizard's chess with her mother, and was losing horribly. As the feelings of angry and frustration built up in her mind, a vase nearby Constance had suddenly shattered. From that point forward, her parents knew that Constance would be gifted in magic.

"Our lives are one masked ball"
