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Ella-Margaux Dupuis
16 Oct 2011
Kilmacolm, Scotland
Second year, Gryffindor
20,6 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:

Ella has long, semi-wavy, dark brown hair that reaches to the middle of her back, usually worn down. She has fair skin and blue eyes, and is small and lean, at 4'7. She gets freckles in the summer.

Mental Description:

Ella is a quiet, even-tempered girl who prefers not to get into trouble and is known as a peacemaker. She is very observant and can read people based on physical cues. Ella remembers a lot, but not everything, and she is very clever. However, she prefers not to socialise. Ella can have quite the attitude and is prone to ignoring people even when they're talking to her. Her favourite thing to do is to draw, usually people, nautical stuff, and butterflies. She does it well, too, due to the fact that she draws other people around her by observing them closely. Sometimes though, people negatively take her observations as creepy stalking, so Ella doesn’t talk to people a lot for fear she might get herself into big trouble.


Pure-blooded wizard Ella-Margaux Catrina Dupuis was born on October 16, in Honfleur, in Normandy, France to Mairead "Maisie" Stewart-Dupuis and Adrien Dupuis, who are both wizards. Unlike some pure-blooded families, she was not educated that pure-blood was superior. Even though she is often called Ella, Ella-Margaux is her full first name. Her mother, Maisie, is Scottish, and her father, Adrien, is French. However, Ella was raised in Scotland when her family moved there when she was 7. She is the 3rd oldest of 4 children, and she is the only girl. Her oldest brother is Georges Dupuis, he is 19 and has already graduated, even though he was at Beauxbatons previously. Ella's 2nd oldest brother is Julien, and he is 13, beginning his 3rd year at Hogwarts. Finally, there is Liam, Ella's baby brother, who is 10 months old. Ella and her family live in Kilmacolm, Scotland. She has known about the wizarding world all her life and is excited about going to Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic:

Ella‘s first instance of magic occurred when she was 8. She had made a paper aeroplane and threw it at her brother Julien. He tried to grab it, but the aeroplane started flying around as if it had a mind of its own and doing things that didn't seem possible for a regular paper aeroplane to do. Ella was confused at first, but when Julien told their parents, they understood.