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Stanley Otero
18 Feb 2012
Clydau, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
23,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: A young boy with curly dirty blond hair. His skin is fair and his eyes are brown. He usually is smiling. There is a deep visible scar on the bottom of his chin and right under his bottom lip. They seem old. He is usually dressed up all fancy when he isn't forced to wear robes.

Mental Description: He comes across really friendly if a little rude at times. It seems like his train of thought only leads to what is the funniest and his main goal is to have fun.

Biography: He is an only child and spent most of his life with only his muggle mother. His wizard father was not present for most of his childhood and has come back into his life when he got his letter from Hogwarts but Stanley holds a bit of resentment for him not being a part of his life until then. His father kept saying stuff like 'I'm so glad you're continuing the magical legacy' and other wizard things. He overheard his parents talking one night and his father said something to the effect of "I didn't want to be involved in a child's life if they were a muggle or a squib.". His mother was perhaps too forgiving and welcomed him back into the house without a second guess. When he was a toddler he slipped down a flight of stairs and landed on his chin, biting off his tongue and opening a whole in his chin. As be was living with his mother in the muggle world it had to be treated using non-magical muggle medicine. It has healed just fine and he's okay now!

First Instance of Magic: During his tenth birthday he was going to blow out a cake with ten candles. They did not go out. In fact the flames went so high that they scorched the roof! There are still burn marks to this day.