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Ulysses Drake
25 Oct 2011
London, England
Second year, Quidditch player, Slytherin
27,8 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Incredibly tall for his age, Ulysses stood at 4'11" as an eleven year old at Hogwarts with thick, unkempt dark brown hair, a fair complexion, with dark eyebrows and sullen eyes that seemed to sparkle when the young child lit up. Uly was slender, but the beginnings of puberty could be shown in the adolescent's burgeoning strength and features slowly beginning to showcase the young boy's descent into his pre-teen years. He was always well-groomed, his father took great care of himself and that type of meticulous care was passed down from an early age onto Uly. The young boy still had so much to grow, still a bud being planted with the hopes that Hogwarts would help set the course for the rest of his life.

Mental Description: For what Uly might have lacked in pure intellect and tactical strategy, the boy surely made up for it in wit, charm, and tenacity.

Often times within Ulysses' growing mind, his typical energy was to act and engage in a way similar to his father. They were alike; bold, brave, and fearless, as the Drake family often had to be when working with the dragons of Britian, and it was what drew his otherwise strict and stern mother who had been brought up in the elitism of pureblood society and brought the societal norms that she expected and injecting that understanding into her children too.

The particular thing in this moment was for Ulysses to decide that in the most public of settings and without the strong gaze of his family, what would emerge in a young boy with two opposing forces clashing?

Biography: The Drake family have been adventurous purebloods who often dealt with the breeding, hatching, and slaying of these beasts (when necessary) through their ancestry that continued on to Ulysses and his siblings.

Perseus Drake and Beatrice Rose met while they were in Hogwarts, both Slytherin alumni from prominent pureblood families. Beatrice, now, an Unspeakable at the Ministry of Magics, were truly like fire and gasoline while growing up and somehow they figured out that their differences were fewer than their commonalities.

Percy was more of a hot-head, a force to be reckoned with, and perhaps even close to being a professional Quidditch Player, if not already falling in love with the lineage of dragons and learning how to breed, hatch, or calm them down too.

Bea was icy, deliberate, and mindful and came from the upper most echelon of aristocracy, especially in the Wizarding world.

The two together created a family unit who allowed their children to do both, allowing the space for them to learn and grow who they were but also how to act (and expecting them to) while within society.

Ulysses as the oldest son of three, each being one year younger, he felt a lot of pressure from them both. He wasn't the brightest wizard but he was a hard worker, had a lot of endurance, and had a love of quidditch and flying that he felt akin to the dragons that they were so connected with.

Ultimately, Uly was a child who felt like Hogwarts was a true dream, able to really be himself and what it meant to be Ulysses Drake without the external factors of family and obligation guiding him.

First Instance of Magic: He was 8 years old in his maternal grandmother's house, playing a little rough with his brothers and cousins, until things got a bit too heated and his brother whacked one of his grandmother's heirloom crystal items and it shattered into dozens of different pieces, all of them feeling as though they were about to get grounded immediately and have everything taken from them for years.

With pure energy and love for his brother, the pieces magically seemed to jumble together and fixed itself before landing into Uly's hands.

With eyes widened, that's when his entire self gleamed, knowing that he had finally awoken the magic he had from within and was proud that it manifested while helping his brother.