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Roazin Democius
29 Jun 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Roa has black, wavy hair, about 5 inches long that is always unkempt, no matter how hard he tires to make it otherwise. Despite the rats nest on his head, the hair is always soft and fluffy to the touch. He had rare amber/copper colored eyes due to higher quantities of the pigment lipochrome (yellow pigment) and very little melanin. His skin is fair, and sunburns easily at exposure longer than and hour an a half with no sunscreen. Though he burns, once the burn heals, his skin is left with a nice, even golden dusting. He stands at about 4'6" (134.62c). He has a high metabolism rate, which is good because he sur loves to eat!

On a typical day (outside of classes) Roa prefers a muggle style, jeans and and some sort of t-shirt with a pair of tennis shoes. (Don't have much for clothing style yet, as he's only 11, he has some choice in his clothes, what he likes and doesn't like, but his aunt won't spend much money on expensive clothes that he'll out grow in just a few months)

Mental Description: Roa is quiet, a shy kid, but kind and gentle. He doesn't like confrontation very much, and doesn't speak often. Most of the time, he'll only speak to you if spoken too first, such as called on in class, or if assigned to work with someone in partners or groups.

Roa is kind and gentle, preferring softer approaches to anything. He enjoys seeing and making other people happy, and tries to do a lot of charity work. He never has the heart to be rude to anyone, no matter what they do and finds himself in awkward situations when someone’s being rude to him and he just smiles, dips his head and says nothing. This would usually put people off, and they would leave him alone. He’s kind of a doormat and a pushover sometimes.

He has a big heart, and will forgive anyone at the words ‘I’m sorry’. He’ll do this with anyone, even with people who have used this to manipulate him, always wanting to believe in the best of people. He also has a weak spot for hurt things, animals and people alike and will put himself in danger to save another.

He has a sarcastic sense of humor and will constantly tease anyone he is remotely close to without remorse. This always comes from a loving and affectionate side of him, and he would never tease anyone about anything they are insecure about.

His public and private self are almost two completely different people, but as you get to know him, you see more of his sarcastic and teasing nature rear it's head.

Biography: Roa was orphaned at the age of seven, his parents having been killed in a drunk driving car accident. He has no siblings, and before his parents died, he was home schooled. His friends were the neighbor kids on the street, most of whom he grew up with. He would play outside with these kids after they got home from school.

After the accident, Roa was sent to an aunt in London, who was his next of kin. This is also when he started to become more quiet and introverted. The aunt sent him to public school, at first, no one liked him and was was pretty much the loner. If not happy, he was content to be the loner, reading books outside a recess. Though one day, he met bis feature best friend, Abigal. They were almost inseparable after she got past his quiet exterior.

First Instance of Magic: Roa's IFM was when he was about four. He was terrified of the dark as a kid, and one night, he'd woken up from a particularly bad nightmare. He didn't know he had woken up and thought he had been put into another dream, and he started screaming. The scream caused the lights in the house to flicker on and off, and after a moment, balls off floating light appeared in his room.

After is mother and father had calmed him down, all the floating light balls vanished except for one that just hovered over his nightstand, dimmed. The little orb would flare with a soft, warm and comforting light ever time Roa woke up from a nightmare after that night.