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Kierra Huxley
13 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,3 cm aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Kierra has frizzy auburn hair that is almost always slightly shaggy, small and deep-set hazel eyes, a tiny pointed nose, and porcelain skin. When she's wearing her casual clothes, she's mostly dressed in loose, homespun clothes that look a bit out of date.

Mental Description: Serene, composed, a bit of an overthinker, slightly lazy, would prefer not to speak until necessary. She can be funny when she wants to be. Does not for the life of her understand sarcasm.

Biography: Kierra grew up having quite a normal childhood, with her mother, father, and grandparents in an apartment in London. She always had been fond of her grandmother's rather...detailed stories.
Her grandmother and mother were witches, though she didn't know about this until she showed her first instance of magic when she was around eight. Until then, her grandmother and mother weren't even sure if she was a witch. While they did plan on eventually telling her about their real ancestry, they decided it would be best to wait until Kierra was old enough to understand. Hence for Kierra's sake, and also keeping in mind that they lived amongst muggles, they limited their use of magic.

After her first instance of magic, Kierra learned the truth about everything. Until she got her letter, she was still in doubt as to whether it really was true. Even though she saw her grandmother use her magic in front of her, she wondered if it was just some silly trick they were playing on her to keep her entertained.

Eventually, though, she came to terms with the fact that her grandmother and mother were real witches, and her own identity was confirmed when she received her letter three years later.

First Instance of Magic: Causing a watermelon to split into pieces when she didn't want to eat it, making a few papers move without her touching it, and turning the color of her glasses blue. Most of them happened when she was around eight.