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Fern Sorrows
02 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,9 cm elder wood and snallygaster heartstring
Average height, and lean. Soft, golden hair fell down her back, a few strands framing her delicate features. Her skin was smooth, almost flawless, and her dark lashes framed her wide, hazel eyes. At 11 years old, she already had a certain elegance about her, but that dignity did not hide her youthful excitement.

Smart, using her quick wit to her advantage. She was driven and ambitious, always striving to be the best, and she didn't let anything stand in her way. She was loyal to her friends and would do anything to protect them. She was also witty and funny, with a quick, sarcastic tongue that was often used to lighten the mood. She was fiercely independent and always stood up for herself, never backing down from a challenge. Also very energetic, enthusiastic, mischeivious and a trouble-maker.

Brought up in a wealthy and powerful Pureblood family. Grew up in a grand mansion, surrounded by servants and everything she could ever want. From a young age, she was taught to be confident, independent, and cunning, and her parents had high expectations for her.
Her parents, who were in Slytherin, expected her to be a Slytherin too, but she wasn't sure she agreed with that. Surely Gryffindor wouldn't be too bad?

Her first instance of underaged magic occurred when she woke up one morning from a happy dream, and sneezed out huge, pink, fluffy clouds.