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Geoxeiel Lebaras
15 Jul 2012
Yorkshire, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
[IC] edited

Geoxeiel is a smaller-than-average biological female who came from a witch mother and a juggle father. They have short black hair with blonde highlights. Their hair is usually gelled back and their eyes are a dark blue and they have a pale, yet peachy complexion to their freckled skin. Their eyes are sucken in with a almond shape and thin, doll like lips.

Mental Description: Geoxeiel has somewhat good mental health besides social anxiety. They know how to control it in dire situations and know when they need help,usually using fidgets and counting how many of a color is in a room(my therapist taught me that trick- I recommend it!)

Biography: Geoxeiel was born in Scotland along with her older siblings until their parents decided it would be better if they were closer to Hogwarts. They were raised in a wealthy household (mostly her mother's family money) with six other siblings while being the second youngest. Their home life is pretty healthy and they love all of their siblings and have a good relationship with both their parents. They inherited most of their looks from their father and is the only sibling to be like their father which lead the family thinking they wouldn't have magic(crazy logic right?)

First Instance of Magic: Geoxeiel was a late bloomer of course. They were chasing their little brother around their house. They were getting exhausted and were begging him to stop running but, being three years old, their brother didn't understand. So being naturally frustrated, they started to cry. They continued to cry as they went to grab their handkerchief,they sneezed and created bubbles. When they noticed the bubbles they began to laugh a bit as more bubbles were created until they were calmed. Their mother watched with pride as she handled the hyper brother.