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Seneca Morton
11 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,1 cm elm wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Female, approx. 5 feet tall, shoulder-length, curly, dirty blonde hair, baby blue eyes, wears glasses, very pretty.

Mental Description: She is very intelligent for her age. Does all of her homework and gets good grades on tests and quizzes. Every single teacher absolutely loves having her in class. Everyone that is, except for the caretaker. She is a troublemaker and tends to get into scrapes with authority figures. Makes friends easily, but can be bossy and a bit of a know-it-all.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, she went to a private school. Her brother, Max, is a year older than her. He has always been protective of her. Her parents are Linda and Paul. Her mother is a witch, while her father is a muggle chiropractor. Before attending Hogwarts, she had a hard time making and keeping friendships.

First Instance of Magic: When she was about 7 years old, she got into a fight with her brother. Out of nowhere, there was a crashing sound next to the dresser behind Max. When he turned around, the lamp from on top of the dresser was on the ground in a hundred little pieces. They both looked at it and then at each other, scared. The only explanation they could come up with was that she used magic to knock it down.

(all sections edited.)