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Juniper Paisley
01 Nov 2011
Liverpool, England
First year, Slytherin
34,1 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Juniper Paisley has naturally thick dark brown hair and has dark brown eyes. She constantly dyes her hair different colors, the most recent color being green, and typically wears her hair down and natural. She has a fair skin tone with slightly rosy cheeks and peachy, plump lips. She sometimes wears dark circle framed glasses and other times she wears colored contacts. She’s on the taller side, standing at 5 foot even. Juniper is genderfluid and goes by all pronouns although she typically uses she/her and presents herself more feminine.

Mental Description: Juniper is a shy, nonconfrontational person who tends to avoid people at all costs. She doesn’t enjoy talking to people much due to her being bullied a lot. She had a speech problem when she was younger that she has slowly been growing out of. The only people she really talks to are her grandparents and siblings. It takes a lot for Juniper to open up to people about how she feels and views things. She enjoys staying to herself mostly and spends her time reading or crafting something.

Biography: Growing up, Juniper was always bullied for multiple reasons. First, because her “parents” were actually her grandparents, and her actual mom and dad had left her and her siblings in the care of her grandparents. Another reason for her constant bullying was that she had a speech problem and she also happened to be bisexual and genderfluid. The only people that showed her love and support were her grandparents (Harold and Eileen Paisley), and her 5 younger siblings (Aspen, Briar, Ivy, Olive, and Rose).

First Instance of Magic: While running errands for her grandparents, she ran into her school bullies hanging out together and tried not to draw any attention to herself. Unfortunately, they all saw her and began to chase her. While running away, she turned a corner and tripped fell, causing her to scrape both her hands and knees. Hearing the bullies getting closer, she got up ignoring the stinging pain in her hands and knees and ran back to her grandparents’ house, jumping the fence and hiding in the garden. After catching her breath for a moment, she takes a second to see how bad her scrapes were but to her surprise, they were gone along with the stinging sensation.