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Inez Kingsley
12 Mar 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
28,7 cm willow wood and thestral tail hair
Physical Description: Inez Kingsley is 138cm tall, has lightbrown hair and big blue eyes. She has a downpointed nose and wear golden jewelry occasionally. She has light skin with a few freckles on her nose and shoulders.

Mental Description: Inez Kingsley is a very kind, but feisty and courageous girl who is very loyal to her friends and family. She hates violence and loves animals. She looks forward to learning new things and making new friends.

Biography: Coming from a half muggle half magical family, my character is a half-blood witch. Her family on her mother's side have been wizards and witches for as long as time existed, and her father's side exists of muggles. Inez' father hadn't learnt of Inez' mother's magical abilities until Inez started showing First Instances of Magic.
The man was shocked to say the least lol but he quickly came around and when Inez got her Hogwarts acceptance letter, he was excited for her to learn magic just like her mother had.
Inez has two younger sisters, who later also joined Hogwarts and got sorted into Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Inez' mother was sorted into Ravenclaw.
When Inez grows up, originally she wanted to become a zookeeper, but later she wanted to become an auror to fight dark magic. Her mother worked for the Ministry of Magic before she met Inez' father.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Inez showed magic, was when she was playing with her toys (at age 4) and they floated in the air. Then she asked her father to get her one of the toys because she couldn't reach them anymore. When her father saw the toys floating mid-air he was shocked and quickly called his wife to come see.
Later, she made other things float or disappear as well. On her 7th birthday, Inez blew out her birthday candles and made them light up again a few times.