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Chad White
Wizard born
18 May 2012
Bristol, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,3 cm beech wood and dragon heartstring
4.60 ft, Black short hair, Blue eyes, Slim build with an average muscle mass for his age. White, No freckles or other notable facial features. Slight pointed nose and ears from Fathers side of genes. Slim mouth and lovely black eyebrows and eyelashes from Mothers side. Large torso and medium length legs.

Friendly and charismatic, Chad is an extroverted individual who enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and creating art. He also enjoys learning history from his father however doesn't pursue much research in his own time

Chad grew up as an ordinary child, however with some magical elements involved too. His father studied muggle history and enjoyed birdwatching for the times he spent away from his workshop where he tried to make muggle objects but with a magical aspect, not for a living but for his own personal studies which he shared with his friend Jenny Donaldson a witch whom he went to Hogwarts with back in 1984(his first year).
Chads mother was a merchant on Diagon alley, mainly selling secondhand gear like spell books and donated broomsticks and also has a popular food stall that is open 4 days a week for witches and wizards to come enjoy some of her homemade pastries and other homemade foods. She recently explored cultural muggle foods to good financial success from the cooking classes she takes twice a week on her days where she isn't cleaning the house or enjoying gardening.
Chad has only a few notable friends of his, most being in the wizarding scene but he also has some muggle friends he made from going camping and from the locals on his street. His best friend is Jeremy Donaldson, the son of Jenny Donaldson as both Chad and Jeremy were born on the same day conveniently, this also falls to irony due to his fathers prior relationship to the Donaldson family.
Growing up however for Chad, he mainly spent most of his time being homeschooled by his parents. Homeschooling would go on 6 days a week mainly by his father who taught a range of topics, from muggle history to magical beasts any lesson from his father would be an adventure into a new topic. Whilst Chad was exploring Diagon alley, he met Tommy, a blonde white bloke with green eyes, Tommy showed Chad some of the wonders of outdoor fun, from tree climbing to river crossing Chad developed his love for the outdoors and travelling from Tommy, who despite only seeing every couple of days-weeks at a time, maintains a deep level of friendship with him.
At the age of 10 Chad's father bought a dog for the family, a choice influenced by seeing the house opposite so happy with their new furry companion. His father got to name the dog, so he called him Zagreus based on the Greek mythology which struck his fascination at the time. Zagreus would halt Chad's lessons for a couple of weeks due to taking care of Zagreus. Chad's mother would instead teach Chad how to cook and bake like her, giving Chad the talent he has to this day to cook tasty delights which he often loved to give to Tommy and Jeremy (also the neighbors too since they would constantly talk about how good it smelt).
Aside from all that Chad would spend most of his free time drawing using enchanted crayons and paints his father would use to draw prototypes of his inventions in the workshop, giving Chad a moderately decent skill in the arts inspired from the stories told by his dad and the scenery Chad explored with Tommy in the countryside when they'd go camping together.

On the 19th of November 2021, 6:22pm Chad White was wandering around his household alone as his parents had gone to visit the muggle neighbors nextdoor, when he tripped over the corner of the large rectangular rug located in the living room. Chad tripped and bumped into the side table located next to the sofa. On the side table was a vase full of beautiful roses gifted by the neighbor for Chad's mother's birthday. Bumping into the side table knocked the vase off onto the cold wooden floorboards, shattering it to pieces. Panicking and not wanting to get into trouble, Chad gathered all the pieces and tried to fix it using things found in his dads workshop. Chad tried everything from glue to sticky tape but nothing seemed to work and only made him panic more. Closing his eyes and wishing for everything to be fine he muttered under his breath hoping for the vase to return to normal. When he opened his eyes again he couldn't believe what he saw. The vase was still shattered and so was Chads wishful thinking. Back to the glue and tape he tried again and got it to be in the same shape as it was before, albeit holding on by pure miracles. Chad ready to attempt to fix it again heard his parents coming back into the house, scared and afraid how his mother would feel, Chad braced himself ready to be told off. He clutched the vase in his hands and when his parents walked in he burst into an emotional frenzy as he felt he wouldn't be allowed to stay by himself in the house again. His parents reassuring him said everything would be alright since using magic was no big deal. But before Chad's father even pulled out his wand, the tape flew off the vase and the cracks began to seal itself magically, it was Chad's doing and his first accidental brush with his own magic potential