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Joyce Cromwell
02 May 2012
Crayford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,8 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Joyce has dark hair with darker eyes. Her skin is pale and there is always a light fringe that covers parts of her eyes. She is a slim build, and often dresses comfortably rather than aesthetically. She is often seen around wearing square glasses.

Mental Description: She is a quiet girl, quite introverted and sometimes mistaken as shy. However, she knows what she wants and isn't easily peer pressured. Though her personality don't always make her the best at parties, she still at times get lonely and crave human interaction. In those cases she usually hangs around with others though rarely talks unless prompted, as she finds it difficult and awkward to join in on a conversation.

Biography: She is very much the oddball at school, she could never make friends, and finds difficulty connecting with her peers. Though her parents are very proud of her as her grades are always top notch. Though she still wishes to at least have someone to talk to that isn't an adult at school...

First Instance of Magic: Her first time using magic has started when she was 8, where she got her first diary. She never had time to write in them, but somehow, the things she wanted to write about had always appeared in that book. The parents never knew she never touched the book, it is one day till she finally opens it up she realised that it was indeed full of her thoughts.