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Kenyi Diallo
14 Apr 2012
Birmingham, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,2 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: It's said that all hood boys look a little older than they should. Fashioned in the image of his 'brothers', Kenyi 'Kenny' Diallo's childlike appearance is crudely marred by the experiences of his youth. Rough hands fold across toned arms upon an often half-bared chest. He often wears a copper-colored chain, a Cross to the Christian God hanging at the neckline.

Mental Description: A malleable boy at heart, Kenyi is both curious and trusting. He is also prone to fits of uncontrollable anger, fueled by the naive encouragement of his childhood companions. The ways of the Birmingham streets have left him prideful, unable to accept perceived disrespect. He is borderline destructive when he leaps to defend his and his friends' honor.

Biography: Kenyi grew up under a landlord's roof in the snug confines of a single room. It housed an entire family: his parents, three older sisters, and he, the youngest child. School was a struggle, so the boy often found alternative outlets for his relentless energy. Soccer became a favorite pastime, and soon after, he involved himself in an informal brotherhood of British-African teens and pre-teens. He also turned to religion as a source of guidance, conducting himself to his ability's best.

First Instance of Magic: Rumors grew about a church in Birmingham that was said to be suffused with the presence of God. Tattled tales by big-mouthed children, dramatized as though they had discovered the invention of the bulb. This same church was attended by our boy, who never truly believed in the nonsensical gossip until he saw it once. A white speck by the window, a little paper crane taking to the air as Pastor David called for our salvation.