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Leonis Proxima
04 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
21,2 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
My character has a long, straight black hair; hazel colored eyes, light - brown skin, skinny body.

My character is quiet, shy and introverted person but after a while she gets loud, funny, extroverted and outgoing person. Sometime she needs some alone - time to recharge. Also has a short - temper and easily annoyed over small things but most of the time she's a kind, caring person. In other words she's loyal, ambivert person with a sense of humor and always gets distracted by curiosity.

When I was born my parents would shower me with gifts of anything I want; yet instead of learning to stubborn and greedy, my parents taught me to be humble and generous which earned me some friends. Sometimes I would either play with my friends or just stay in my room while reading a book.

When I was 8 years old I got angry because a bully from my school broke my book, then I somehow unknowingly set the book on fire; everyone including the bully was so shocked and scared while my other classmates called the teacher. When my parents heard about this they were so shocked, but when I asked them how it was possible, my parents said nothing but "don't do it again". I don't know how I will prevent that but I was both shocked and amazed.

Note: I have made the edits