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Rosalee Kaseder
14 Feb 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,4 cm cypress wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Rosalee is a white female with a slight tan. She is four foot nine inches but seems taller than she really is. Her dark brown hair reaches just past her shoulders. Rosalee has unusually long arms and wears a pair of black glasses.

Mental Description: Rosalee is not an optimist but she isn't a pessimist either. She thinks quite realistically but is kind about it. Rosalee normally is very kind and loving but if someone messes with her friends or family she will stand up for and defend them. Sexuality is pansexual.

Biography: Rosalee grew up in the countryside near London with her pureblood mother and her muggle father. She is an only child and is often lonely, save for when she is in the company of her pet owl. She adopted the owl and took him in when she found him injured in her barn. Rosalee’s house was small and inexpensive but she never dreamed of a different home.

First Instance of Magic: When Rosalee was 6 she was at home in her kitchen with her parents. They were all enjoying a family dinner/conversation. Rosalee asked her parents for a cookie and they refused. Upset Rosalee stared at the plate of cookies fresh from the oven and thought about how much she would like to have one. Frowning her temperature rose, and then the cookie on top of the plate began to float towards her. Rosalee screamed and fell backward off her stool. She picked herself up and quickly ran over to where the cookie had been. Rosalee found it lying on the ground.
Several more instances similar to this happen before Rosalee attends Hogwarts.