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Ylvana Setyr
20 Dec 2011
Plockton, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
30,6 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Ylvana is a girl of average height, standing at around 4 feet 8 inches, with a lean build that gives her a lithe and agile appearance. Her red hair falls in straight strands, often with a slightly unkempt appearance that adds to her overall unassuming look. She possesses a fair complexion that contrasts softly with the fiery hue of her hair, and her cheeks are adorned with a smattering of freckles that lend a touch of youthful charm to her features.

Ylvana's grey eyes hold a mixture of curiosity and contemplation, giving her a thoughtful and introspective look. They seem to carry the weight of her emotions and experiences, hinting at the depth of her inner world. Her lips tend to curve into a gentle smile when she's lost in thought, a fleeting expression that reveals a hint of the warmth within her.

In terms of attire, Ylvana prefers practicality and comfort over fashion. She chooses clothing that allows her to move freely and comfortably, often favoring earthy tones like muted greens and soft browns that blend harmoniously with natural surroundings. This choice reflects her affinity for the outdoors and her desire to remain unobtrusive, in harmony with the world around her.

Mental Description: Ylvana is known for her keen intellect and reserved nature. She has a calm and contemplative demeanor, often lost in her thoughts. She approaches situations with a rational mindset and carefully analyzes her options before making decisions. Ylvana's reserved nature can sometimes be mistaken for aloofness, but those who know her well understand that she is simply introspective. She possesses a deep curiosity about the world around her and is driven by a desire to understand the underlying mechanisms of magic and nature.

Biography: Ylvana grew up in the village of Plockton, nestled in the Highlands of Scotland. She came from a mixed heritage, her father being a wizard and her mother a non-magical individual. This half-blood status influenced her perspective, as she felt a constant pull between her two worlds. She had a close relationship with her younger sister, until a tragic accident fractured their bond. Ylvana blames herself for the incident, leading to a sense of guilt that still haunts her. This guilt shaped her interactions and caused her to retreat into her introspective nature.

First Instance of Magic: Ylvana's first instance of accidental magic occurred when she was ten years old. She was sitting in her room, feeling overwhelmed by a mix of emotions related to her strained relationship with her sister. In a moment of frustration, Ylvana's hand moved over a vase on her desk, and it floated briefly in the air before gently setting back down. The incident left her both amazed and unsettled, as it reminded her of the magical potential that resided within her. This event also served as a reminder of the complexities of her world and her own inner conflicts.