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Alexa Hale
13 May 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,3 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Alexa has wavy dark brown hair that reaches to her waist and dark brown-coloured eyes. She has a tanned complexion. She has a pointed nose and sharp jawline and small lips. She has a mole underneath her right eye. She is 160cm (5"4) in height and her body structure is slightly thin. She also has a scar on her left arm from when she was learning to ride a broom.

Alexa is curious and adapts well to new environments. She is usually a voice of reason and she would do almost anything for her friends, including getting into trouble. She is sarcastic and witty and likes to play the guitar and sing. However, she has a tough time in conforming to rules she does not agree to and she can be quite stubborn with her views. She enjoys learning but hates not being able to understand something which results in a habit of unhealthy competition against her peers.

Prior to receiving her acceptance letter, she attended muggle school and had many friends but her best friend was Alana. They met when Alana and her family shifted to the house beside hers and became good friends as they were classmates in school. In school, she was quite outgoing and enjoyed learning, especially history. School instilled a curiosity in her to learn new things and her teachers would encourage her to learn more as well.

Alexa’s parents always showered her with love and encouragement and this led Alexa to have huge dreams. Her mother, Veronica Hale, was a tutor for young students who needed help with their magical studies during the holidays or before receiving their acceptance letter and her dad, Peter Hale, worked a 9 to 5 job. Although they did not have a lot of money, they tried their best to give time to their daughter and make sure that they instilled some core values such as a slight level of independence within her so that she could handle herself when she reached the unfamiliar environment of Hogwarts.

Her favourite memory of her mother was when she taught her how to ride a broom for the first time. She not only learnt the basics of riding a broom but it was also one of the most fun times she had spent with her mother. Until she fell of her broom and to be healed. The most memorable time she spent with her father was then she had taught her to play his old guitar. Them singing together was the highlight of her weekend.

Her first instance of magic took place on her 8th birthday when her mother brought out her birthday cake and she lit the candles on her own. This caused her parents to be extremely happy and they ended up celebrating both occasions together.