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Alice Hanna
23 Oct 2011
Manchester, England
First year, Ravenclaw
20,9 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: She has long, wavy Brown hair, beautiful greyish eyes and a tan complexion due to her father being from spain. She is about 4'6" . Her complexion is clean and smooth, and she takes good care of her self. She wears a hearing aid in her right ear. (This is a feature i wanted to add that makes this character more true to myself)

Personality: She is quite a calm and collective child, very organised and tidy. She has more musical and literary hobbies, like singing and piano, aswell as writing. She also grew up doing ice skating on her families lake of the winter when it froze over.

Mental Description: She, like all teenagers, suffer from new school anxiety, but it goes away pretty quickly.

Biography: At the age of four, she had a severe inner ear infection, and whilst magic and magical medicine managed to cure the ear infection, her ear drum was perforated and permanently damaged. Her parents and many magical professionals tried to reverse the damage for years but unfortunately, the damage was irreversible, show her parents compromised by creating a magical hearing aid for her damdged ear. Her life before starting Hogwarts was pretty standard for a pure-blood child. She had a tutor growing up, tecahing her how to write, spell, etc. She was also brought up with proper ettiquette, considering her family was quite wealthy. She had a few friends from other pure-blood families that she had met at events held by her parents. Her father came from a pure-blood family in spain and her mother came from a pure-blood family in england. Her father never made the effort to teach her his language, so she doesnt not speak spanish.

First Instance of Magic: Her first instance of magic was about 5 weeks before her eleventh birthday, she was sitting in the dining room, eating her breakfast, when she knocked her goblet over, sending it falling to the ground. However, just before it hit the wooden floor it stopped dead just a mere inch from the ground, stopping it from smashing.