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Victoria Jarvis
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,7 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
I am a pure-blood witch from a line of intelligent witches and wizards. one of my ancestors was caught in the witch trials and was sadly prosecuted. I have an interest in muggles after I became friends with one that lives near my home. some people tend to be scared of me as I am albino with snow-white hair and dark red eyes and pale skin. some witches and wizards think it's part Veela but I'm not it is a genetic defect that is rare but not uncommon. I tend to carry parasols with me when I go out due to the fact that I burn easily from my albinism. My parents almost decided to homeschool me after the many battles between the famous Harry Potter and he whom must not be named. but I wanted to make new friends other than my annoying siblings who chose to be homeschooled in magic. My family is a great advocate for more wizard-muggle relations, she works for the Ministry, of Muggle relations, something I hope to do as well! I already have experience with potions as my father works with potions and has taught me many things. (i may have snuck into his workshop and read all his spell books without his permission) oh! I hope I can meet some witches and wizards from the other schools across Europe, is there an exchange program. that would be so much fun!