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Sage Voleson
Wizard born
06 Aug 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
27,4 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Sage has dark brown hair that falls to the middle of her back, it is usually left natural and in its natural state of neat and curly. She has deep brown that have specks of green in them if they are in sunlight. She is 5 ft tall; she is a bit tall for her age and she always has been. She comes from a very tall family so it's to be expected. She has always been very tall and slender. She has a couple freckles littering her cheeks and a couple on her arms. She has very slight dimples when she smiles and a natural blush.
She is very slender, weighing around 75 lbs.

Sage is a very kind and caring person. She is very shy though; she keeps to herself mostly and doesn't talk a lot. Though, when she is comfortable around someone, she can be very talkative and engaged in whatever conversation they might be having. Though, she is very insecure, not insecure in the way that she doesn't like the way she looks. Insecure in the way where she doesn't feel confident in her own choices or what she might be doing. So, she mostly just does whatever someone tells her to do, even if she deep down knows that she really doesn't want to. She is very studious; she is the type of person who likes to study. She enjoys studying because it makes her feel like it's one of the areas, she excels in.

Sage’s life before Hogwarts was pretty typical, she has a mother named Nancy Voleson and a father named Matthew Voleson. She's an only child, though she has a lot of friends in her small neighborhood. Though even with her friends, she usually kept to herself and mostly just read her books in her bedroom. She has a very close relationship with her mother, they have always been very close because her mom is home most of the time. While her father was working a lot of the time, though he always tried to make time for both of them. Her homelife was pretty great, she has two very good parents and a functional and stable life, it can be a bit tense at times. That is because when her family do get into arguments, which is very rare, but it happens. They never get resolved, they just hang in the air, her family doesn't know how to communicate emotions very well. She grew up in a very muggle-based neighborhood because her parents weren't very connected with their magic, so they weren't expecting her to show magic. But, when her parents saw that she did, they were all very excited.

Sage’s first incident with accidental magic was when she was three years old. She was running around her back garden playing with the flowers that grew in her garden. Her mother was watching from the little porch area in the back garden. When she was playing with the flowers, one of the little daisies began to float up to her. Her family was very excited with her showing of magic because all of her family was magic.