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Cassiopeia Alarie
08 Aug 2012
Liverpool, England
First year, Slytherin
35,4 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
It is heavily implied that Cassi was a bully in their past. They do not have that mentality anymore! I'm sorry if it triggers someone but it is apart of their ''character'' development. Thank you!

Physical Description: At first glance, Cassi may look unusual but they are pretty normal, by normal I mean the magical normal not muggle normal. They have wild and uncontrollable waist-length ginger hair that has blonde highlights that they had to beg their mother and stepmother for. Their eyes are green and doe-shaped which is the first thing people notice about them. Their hair color and eyes are all their father but their confidence and stubbornness is from their mother. They are 5'0 which is a little above average for an 11 year-old, they are a bit on the slim pear-shaped and statuesque side but they gain weight pretty fast so you never know. They have no particular style but as long as it isn't uncomfortable or scratchy, they're okay. Just call them Cassi, Cassiopeia sounds too formal and frankly really obnoxious. If you and Cassi are really close they'll let you call them Cass, but around their mother call them Cassiopeia, if you slip up and say Cassi they won't be mad (but their mother will get agitated)

Mental Description: They are healthy mentally but they can be pretty Insecure are times, especially about their weight and some small things about themself because their mother although she is supportive she points out everything about Cassiopeia from their accent when they speak French to the fact that they are always eating carbs. That kind of critiquing can leave a lasting mark on somebody. Cassi can be a bit much and really dramatic but it's more in a lovable ''leave an impression kind of way''. They are a bit intimidating to some people because of their straightforward personality, although they are nice and lovable, they are very blunt, do not ask Cassi if you don't want a brutally honest opinion. Cassi does know when to keep their mouth shut and when to just lie, they are very good at lying but they would rather not lie and just be honest. They have a past that they are not proud of and do not tell most people about said past, it took a while to get their mother, Lottie, and Alarik to stop lecturing them about how words hurt just as much as it would when if they would actually hit the child (they would never revert back to that mentality every again). They have completely lost every trace of their past but sometimes the ''mentality'' slips out in the form of a harsh remark or slick jab. Cassi is very Extroverted and Friendly sometimes Sarcastic and Overprotective but the one thing that stand out about them other than their appearance is their Adventurous personality, they are no stranger to adventuring to the unknown and trying new things, that's what makes them so lovable. Cassi can be very oblivious sometimes so if someone has a crush on them, you would have to spell it out for them or just outright say you or someone has a crush on them.

Biography: Cassiopeia Alarie was born to a Russian-born but English-raised halfblood auror named Eris Ronov and a French pureblood reporter turned model/socialite named Alice Alarie, both the latter and former went to Hogwarts both of which were Gryffindors. Before Cassi was Alarik who would rather be called Al or Rik in Cassi's case, he is a Ravenclaw in his 4th year. Both Cassi and Alarik were born in America which is why Alarik uses an American accent, but they moved to Liverpool when Cassi was born, Cassi uses an English accent. Cassi's father died a few months after moving to England in an altercation with a muggle which ended in him being fatally shot, it affected everyone a lot. For a while Cassi's mom didn't date anyone until she met Lottie. Their mother then met a squib named Lottie Pierce who she dated and later married. Lottie loves both Cassi and Alarik deeply and owns a bookstore which makes both Cassi and Alarik love her even more. They have 3 pets, 2 parakeets named Bobby and Robby and a cat named Cat-niss Everdeen, Cassi loves their pets very much and would do anything to protect them especially Cat-niss..

First Instance of Magic: When Cassi was 5, they were reading picture books and wanted one that was particularly high on the book shelf so they did what any kid that wants something does........They climbed the shelf while attempting to get the book, they got the book but they fell backwards. However they didn't hit the floor, they hit a large heart shaped pillow, it was really really soft but Cassi could have sworn it was on the other side of the room in their reading area, they would later remember that it was in their reading area and it was brought to them by means of accidental magic. Sometime during the fall Alarik walked in, witnessed the fall, and literally sprinted over to them and started loudly calling mom and Lottie. 8 year olds can yell surprisingly loud because both of the concerned mothers rushed in when they were on the other side of the Manor.