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Kathereen Pulcher
02 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,6 cm red oak wood and troll whisker
Physical Description: Black wavy hair that goes down her back, greenish-grey eyes that are quite big, about 4.9 feet, which is a little tall for her age, pale skin, and small mouth. She's skinny, but looks fine. She's just average looking.

Mental Description: Kind and earnest to her friends. She likes things to be fair, but if it isn't, she tends to make revolution. Cheerful and a little bit of a troublemaker. Sometimes cheeky and impertinent, but not in a bad way, to torment people. If she gets any enemies, she will enjoy dueling them, or to win them by talking. She loves reading books and spends most of the time in thr library. Her mother is a muggleborn, so even though both her parents are wizards, she is half-blood.

Biography: Her mother died of illness when she was 4 years old. She grew up with her father, M. K. Pulcher. Her father works in the Ministry of Magic, and works at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

First Instance of Magic: She had a cut on her arm when she was 3, and her cut healed by just looking at it. She didn't know what that meant at first, but her father explained it to her, and told her she was a witch. After she heard about it, she read some books about Hogwarts and was very excited.