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Rosalia Jonhson
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Rosalia Jonhson, she has a brown hair and normal teeth she is a normal 11-year-old girl with two medium hears.
Rosalia Jonhson loves to read and learn. Her favorite book is probably "Alice's wonderland"(for real). Rosalia Jonhson excels in almost every subject she studies. Math's, the study of the properties of numbers, is one of her favorite subjects.
Rosalia Jonhson’s favorite food might be spaghetti.
Rosalia Jonhson was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jonhson, both of whom were Muggle person. She was their third child. Rosalia Jonhson grew up in a normal family that was proud of her that she loves books. Rosalia Jonhson lived with her parents in a detached house. The house had a ground-floor, first-floor. There was a kitchen, dining room, living room, cupboard under the stairs, and a bedroom for Rosalia Jonhson. The front garden had many trees and bushes in it.
She has many friends her social life was very expended.
Her first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic was when she was in the kitchen at her house in England with her mom, she was 9 all the legumes start to cut themselves at surprise of her and of her mom. Please confirm my letter (Rosalia Jonhson) (English at all) London
Thank you please valid my account my respect Rosalia Jonhson, good day! Rosalia