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Atlas Anderson
20 Jun 2012
Cardiff, Wales
Second year, Quidditch Player, Prefect of Slytherin
27,9 cm willow wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Atlas appears to be about 4'11" tall and 90 pounds in weight. His blue eyes are among the traits that tend to catch people's attention. Atlas shares more traits with his father than he does with his mother. He has an oval countenance with lips that seem a bit narrow, his hair appears to be lustrous brown in colour and he has slim physical build.

Mental Description: Atlas is a laid-back lad who is extremely spontaneous most of the time. He has a fantastic and relatable personality and he is flexible and sociable. He is also open-minded and understands the emotions of other people. Others could characterize him as a simple boy who enjoys living in the moment because of his outgoing personality. Additionally, Atlas is a passionate lad who enjoys making new friendships and even has a good outlook on life. He does have a great sense of humor, he is trustworthy and devoted to others who are kind to him.

The boy tends to also bring out the best out of people. He doesn't like arguments especially when it happens amongst family or friends. He does not tend to hold any resentments toward other people and he moves on quickly from situation that seems detrimental to him, however, during times when he is angry, he prefers to take a time out to breathe and gather his thoughts. He refuses to allow society norms define. Nevertheless, he radiates confidence and comfortability, and that tends to rub off on people he interacts with or people who met him.

He does acknowledge his imperfections, and if he makes a mistake, he owns up to it. His personality is similar to his fathers' as many have pointed out. He is excited about the idea of experiencing adventure. Among all of the qualities listed above, he may have a crafty mentality, and when he sets his mind to anything, he will make sure that it is accomplished.

Biography: Atlas Anderson was born on the 20 June 2012 and he currently lives in the city of Cardiff, Wales. Throughout his life ever since birth, he lived with his mother, Jannette and Charlie Anderson who were married. Their love story is quite a fascinating one, even before marriage, there seemed to be a lot of family history, specifically from the mother's side. Janette was born as a half-blood squib who had no connection to the wizarding world, and his father was a Muggle. This means that Atlas was born in the Muggle world not knowing that both magic and wizards or witches existed.

When Atlas was five years old, his grandmother moved in with him and his parents. On rare occasions, though, the grandmother would use her magical abilities to convince Atlas that magic was real. Atlas did tell his mother about what he saw, but his mother was reluctant to believe that such things (magic) existed and thought the boy had a wild imagination.

When Atlas turned six, his grandmother called a family meeting and began outlining the family's history. Atlas' father learned that his wife was a half-blood squib and many other family secrets that were kept in the dark. The boy himself was not informed about this. The couple's marriage was not affected by any of this. It was necessary to inform Charlie Anderson, that his wife hailed from a magical family and that, even though she was a squib, there was a chance their son might be magical. But this was to remain a family secret and Atlas's family, from his father's side, were not supposed to know about any of this.

When Atlas was seven years old, he attended his first day of Primary school at a muggle school. He was well-known for his mischievous pranks, although because one of his prank had hurt his best friend, he stopped doing them ever since.

His grandmother, Marie said that they were to watch and see if he would in fact have his First Instance of Magic; if he did not, this would show that that the boy had no connection to the wizarding community and magic. The situation changed when he turned 10. (FIOM↓).

On his 11th birthday, After his father returned early from his daily tiresome job, he found a letter on front door carpet. He then went to talk to his wife, Jannette, about the whole magical situation and decided it was best not to prevent Atlas from connecting with the wizarding world. Later, they informed him that he would be attending a magical school and he was excited to start school at Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: Atlas was playing with his friends one day at school, the children were playing a typical dangerous game. He was 10 years old at the time. He was engaging in a game where players threw stones at one another and they would want to see who is the fastest to dodge, but as they were only children, the only idea they had was that, they were playing for 'fun' and never thought of the consequences.

A friend of Atlas, Jeremiah had tossed a stone towards him and the boy did not know where to hide as his heart started pounding out of fear and he attempted to shield himself with his wrist. Instantly, the stone just bounced back just before it touched him. He was protected from the stone's impact by what appeared to be an invisible wall that had suddenly formed out of nowhere, This came to his surprise and he was confused by what was happening. Since he was close with his father, when he told him about the situation that had occurred after returning from work, his father informed the boy's mother, who then seeked advice from the boy's grandmother and they all realized at that point that Atlas had just encountered his first instance of magic and that when the time comes after receiving the letter, it will be time for him to be enrolled at Hogwarts.

Later on, his grandma was contacted by the ministry of magic and they told her that, they have taken care of what had happened and Atlas' friends will have no memory of the first instance of magic the boy displayed in front of them.

Just a note to my future roleplay buddies : I am now back and also, replies will likely take 7 days, If you'd like us to thread, owl me:)