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Melisande Lennox
18 Oct 1985
Inverness, Scotland
Professor of History of Magic, Hogwarts II
28,0 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Melisande was born with beautiful features with elegant and fine traces that make her distinguished, impossible to pass unnoticed but also intimidating. She has long dark brown hair, light blue almond shaped eyes and a full mouth gracing her oval face. She's 5'6'' tall, with a slim but imposing figure.

Mental Description: Melisande is a very intelligent, charming and friendly woman. She can always seem to find the right and most diplomatic solution for every situation. She is selfless, always looking for the next cause to fight for and support. She as a soul of a leader but she cherishes team work and be able to learn from all her experiences. Melisande is an intellectual, she thrives when making her next research, working on her next project, writing her new book or going to face a new challenge.

On October 18th, 1985, Melisande was born in Inverness, in the Scottish Highlands, to Margery Arlington and Seamon Lennox.

Margery was a muggle-born witch. She had only discovered magic when she had her first instance of magic. Her studies were made at Hogwarts where she has been a brilliant chaser and dedicated student. After finishing her studies, Margery has worked at the Ministry of Magic at the Magical Games and Sports Department.

Seamon Lennox came from a family of pure-blood wizards. Even if this was a symbol of their status, the Lennoxs couldn't care less about those old and outdated ideas of pureblood supremacy, on the contrary, they have been long term allies with muggles, all other beings and creatures. For generations the Lennox family has fought for equal rights and dignity in the lives of all magical and non-magical living creatures. Seamon has been an Activist all his life, he worked for the Ministry at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Melisande Lennox grow up with her family's beliefs engraved in her and she has been dedicating her life in finding the right answers to her purposes. She loves to travel. The greatest passion of her life is to get to know new civilizations, their different cultures, gastronomy, their beliefs...but mostly, their legends and myths. Melisande believes that the right answers will be found in History, not only in the magical world history, but also in the muggle world's. It is impossible, in her perspective, to be able to find balance and harmony without a full knowledge of the whole parts of this world.

Being loyal to this ideals, Melisande has dedicated her life to studies and travelling. When she finished her studies at Hogwarts, she guided her own steps towards the muggle world in where she graduated in History and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. After that, she has been working for the Ministry of Magic engaging in several archaeological projects, magical and non-magical. Besides acquiring new knowledge and discoveries, her purpose was also to protect muggles from getting in contact with magical artifacts. Protecting sometimes, means to have somethings hidden from those who could not full comprehend it.

Was following this path that Melisande decided that her knowledge should be shared, that that would also be her life purpose, to give the young generations the possibility to open their horizons and learn from past mistakes. So when she heard about the vacancy for Professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts, she knew she could not ignore when fate was showing her this sign and giving her this opportunity.

First Instance of Magic: When she was seven years old, Melisande was playing at her family's house backyard with her father's favorite hat. It was one of those old hats that resembled the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and obviously she was following a very important trail of clues and evidences. Madox, her tabby orange kitten has been missing all morning and she took has her own mission to find him. It was normal for the young cat to have his walks, but usually he didn't spend that much time without coming home.

Melisande was walking through the bridge that crossed the thin course of water that cut through the backyard when she heard a weak meow coming from somewhere over her head. Looking up, the young girl saw her kitten scared and trembling on top of a tree branch. Melisande tried to reach out to Madox, but she couldn't reach so high. Was at her third try that she felt something odd with her, something inside of her had awakened and without realizing how she was doing it, the Kitten was levitating closer to her outstretched hand. When she felt his fur caressing the tips of her fingers, Melisandre jumped forward and was finally able to save her best friend that now was cuddling closer to her chest. Detective Lennox first mission was accomplished with outstanding success!