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Kristin Bland
Wizard born
11 Feb 2012
Hook, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,5 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Lively, Defensive, Benevolent, Eccentric, Wild

Kristin has light brown skin and short fluffy, curly red hair. Her eyes are so dark brown that they appear black most of the time. She's four foot ten and has a lot of baby fat, though she still looks small. She usually has a smile on her face and an energetic aura about her. Her body is usually decorated in some way, like colorful nails, stickers, handmade jewelry, hair ornaments, or just drawing on herself. She always smells really sickly sweet, like she was made in a candy shop.

Kristin is a very eccentric and vibrant individual. She's loud and proud, but not conceited. She's extremely amiable, always willing to offer a smile, hug, or kind word to another, just because she wants to. Sometimes she can be a little obnoxious and annoying because of this, but most can tell that she has a good heart in the right place. Kristin isn't the best at taking criticism, though, and sometimes she can get defensive and avoidant of problems, or people. She's also not the most organized person, and her space, and sometimes own self can be sloppy, meaning disheveledness. It's mostly due to her being very carefree and hurried, more focused on what's fun to her than anything else. Even so, Kristin works hard to do well at things she truly feels that she needs to work on, and sometimes that only comes after a lot of pressure. She loves to eat candy and anything sugary, which only extremifies her energy. Kristin also really likes animals and can pretend to be one, especially cats.

Kristin grew up around her father, stepmother, her stepbrother, and her half-sister. Her mom passed away when she was born, and because her parents were usually busy with work, her grandmother, wild yet loving old witch, mostly took care of her. Her father makes broomsticks for a living, and her stepmom is a journalist. Both of her parents are very supportive and treat her well, when they're around to. They always encourage her, especially with her interest in charms, since she wants be a spell inventor one day. Her family has always been supportive of her different way of self-expression, though they couldn't understand it at times.

Kristin's first instance of accidental magic was when she was five and grabbed a fistful of her father's hair when they were playing, making it turn lime green.