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Rhea Price
24 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
29,2 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Rhea Price could be described as a lovely looking person. Her hair a warm brown just the same as her eyes, and her tall stature, at 5’0. The 11 year old is often mistaken for being older than she is. She normally wears earrings, diamond earrings. She is a regal young woman, and often wears dresses and and shoes that reflect that. She most always wears her hair in braids and buns, so it will stay out of her face.

Mental Description: Rhea has always been an intellectual person and has been reading fine literature since she was a young girl. Rhea would describe herself as an uptight perfectionist, one who will never take no for an answer. Because of this she enjoys debates and will never back down from a political argument. She can become angry easily, along with being extremely judge mental. Philosophical questions have always been Rheas favorite thing to ponder. Her inner most struggle is her identity of self. She strives to find a world not filled with anxiety and pressure from herself.

Biography: Rhea was born into a very wealthy family, the price family. She was taught by her father many things about the world and politics. Her mother was the one who got her into philosophy, as it is something they both greatly appreciate. Her family is mixed, her mother being British and her father being Hispanic. She enjoys learning about both cultures and has been immersed in them her entire life. Rhea has always preferred her own company, and as a result has few friends. She has a sister, who is two years older than her, and they are closer than is considered normal. Rhea has always gotten the attention of people, naturally, especially boys, and even girls. Unfortunately, Rhea seems to attract drama throughout her life. In the price family, education is worth more than gold, so she had private tutors since she was three. In her lessons she was taught about the magical world and whatever else her mind wished to hear about.

First Instance of Magic: Rhea first practiced accidental magic in her family’s manor. She had been reading a particularly emotional book, when she may have accidentally caused the book to fly out the window and set on fire. This occurred when she was seven.