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Asteria Rosier
London, England
First year, Slytherin
29,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Parents: Klein Rosier (Father) and Anastasia Rosier (Greengrass)(Mother)
Traits: Witty, Mischievous, Intelligent
Gifts: Developing ability in wandless casting, (Later in Life) Profound ability in Legilimency
Birthday November 24th

The Only child of Anastasia Greengrass (mother) and Klein Rosier (Father) However her father tragically died shortly after Asteria M. Rosier was born. Rosier, attempted to flee from the Ministry of Magics Aurors after being accused him and Anastasia of using the cruciatus curse, and killing curse on a Muggle-born family in London. It was when he decided to fight back against the Aurors after being cornered was he eventually killed in self-defense by an unknown Auror.


Anastasia, now a single mother and shaken with paranoia after the death of her husband, moved her daughter to the only place where she thought was safe, a desolate cottage in the middle of the vast English forest. She hoped that this action would leave the aurors clueless on her and her daughter’s whereabouts and hoped they would eventually give up searching.


As an extra set of protection Anastasia taught Asteria certain basic spells without the use of a wand at the age of 7. At first Anastasia was unsure, she had never done wandless magic before let alone teach it to her daughter, however Klein Rosier was exceptionally gifted in it and even tried to help Anastasia try and cast wandlessly herself. Using the few tips her husband had given her she began to teach little Asteria, hopeful that her daughter would at least be able to cast one spell. Days eventually past, and Anastasia’s hope began to dwindle as Asteria was unable to cast anything. Until, one day, during a cool winter morning in December. When Anastasia accidentally walked in on Asteria casting a small weak shielding charm which quickly disintegrated as soon as it was casted. Asteria had apparently practiced over and over the spell all the night before and was exhausted. Anastasia seeing this swiftly caught Asteria as she fell over in exhaustion, Although Anastasia was delighted to get to see her daughter’s first spell cast wandlessly she wanted to give Asteria a couple of days to rest before trying to develop her new charm she casted.


A few years past by in a heartbeat in the small worn cottage, Asteria was now 10 had developed her shielding charm significantly however, it still need quite a lot of work to it, as it couldn’t fend off potent offense spells yet. However the shielding charm wasn’t the only spell she had picked up, Asteria had also picked up two more pretty basic spells however these two always would either backfire or have a low success rate of casting. However that didn’t stop Asteria from trying and developing the two. But, soon enough her life would change forever.


The beginning of fall, it was a slow afternoon and not much had been accomplished by either Anastasia, and Asteria. Until, Asteria heard a loud bang in which her mother, Anastasia, quickly told Asteria to hide in her room, handing Asteria a small ring before she turned to leave. After what had seemed like hours, two Ministry Officials burst open her door and swiftly carried Asteria back to the Ministries Headquarters, ignoring Asteria’s endless questions about where her mother was. Eventually, Asteria was given to Amy Wilkins, a widowed witch who had longed for a child after her husband had died, as a foster parent to look after Asteria.


Confused from all of these events that had happened so fast flipping her whole life upside down, Asteria quietly adapted to her new home life with Mrs. Wilkins putting off her practice of magic, until she turned 11.


Sitting on the porch of the Wilkin's residence, Asteria was silently gazing out into the street peacefully until a large owl swooped down, throwing a letter onto Asterias lap. Unsure of what the letter was she hastily ran and gave it to Mrs. Wilkins who had been tending to her garden of flowering parslesnubs. Her eyes grew in disbelief as she quickly shoved the letter back into Asteria’s hands. As Mrs. Wilkins told her to quickly open it. A letter to Hogwarts school of Magic and Wizardry...