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Eli Grace
10 Dec 2011
Manchester, England
First year, Gryffindor
35,0 cm willow wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Eli is a short, pale girl, with light brown hair and ligh brown eyes. She usually leaves her hair open or sometimes braids it. She has a birthmark on her left shoulder. She prefers wearing dark colours like grey, black and blue as they keep her warm.

Mental Description: Although Eli has had her fair share of troubles at home, she tries to be strong. Sometimes her anxiety gets to her which refrains her from being more outgoing. Whenever overwhelmed, she writes or draws; it helps her calm her nerves.

Biography: Having an elder brother, Eric Grace, Eli's family was like any other. They lived in a cottage in Manchester, England where she spent her early years. She has a best friend, Mia, and she has a cat she adores named Puffers.

First Instance of Magic: Eli was playing in a garden when she was about two years old and she unknowingly moved something by her hands, without even touching it. It shocked her but she enjoyed it and started playing with it. It was a little later when her mother came to pick her when she noticed it too and came to know that her daughter, like Eli's father, was not a muggle. It came as a shock to the entire family but everyone took it well and were excited for Eli to start wizard school.