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Esme Xiao
05 Sep 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
31,1 cm rosewood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Esme is an East Asian (Chinese) girl, She is 4'6 (genetically, her family is known to be short) and fairly light and mousey in build. Esme has curly shoulder length hair and brown almond-shaped eyes.Her voice can be described as quiet and bored sometimes, although if her attention is peaked she can be pretty enthusiastic about what she does.

Mental Description: Esme has no mental disorders but is usually pretty shy and out of the way despite how she seems on the outside, it is easy to break her and make her unhappy if you decide to pry, due to her usual way of acting she seems pretty mean, but people who know her will say that she is actually very nice and playful with friends, the same can't be said for enemies, if messed with enough she may snap and say wisecracks. Overall however she is pretty chill and not too bad to be around.

Biography: Esme's pre-Hogwarts life isn't very exciting, she and her family weren't too wealthy but well off enough to stave off poverty until her father got a high-paying job, when she was at home she would sometimes run around and play with her older siblings and be somewhat at peace, though she always missed her old home she knew that adjusting would be a peace of cake, she'd always been good at that.

First Instance of Magic: Esme's first instance of wandless magic was when she was playing outside at age 8, she played outside and when she finally sat down to annoying little biting fly approached her, clearly with the intent to bite. Once it landed on her, she shook her arm wildly, hoping to rid herself of the unwanted guest. Soon the fly came off and froze in place, falling off and staying in the same pose for about 1 minute before flying off, off-put by the feeding interruption.

Immigration: Esme wasn't born in the UK like the rest of her family wasn't, so she is technically Chinese but she usually just calls herself Chinese-European since that aspect of her life is what she was most used to. As for why her parents did it, her family decided they wanted to give the UK a try, being a pure-blooded family, they wanted the best for their newest addition, assuming she was magical, they made the move 4 years after she was born. They heard a lot of good things about Hogwarts and decided it would be nice for their daughter to learn there.