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Atalya Shoran
25 Dec 2011
Winchester, England
First year, Slytherin
26,5 cm vine wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Atalya is a 153 cm blonde with pale skin, piercing blue eyes, and naturally pink lips. She has dark, long eyelashes and almond-shaped eyes. Her straight hair is waist length. Her jawline is sharp, and she has high cheekbones. She is slender yet curvy.

Mental Description: Atalya is a pureblood supremacist, and does not associate with mudbloods. She is incredibly graceful, elegant, and composed. She masks emotions in front of everyone, even her family. Atalya typically stays quiet, observing those around her. When she speaks, she is always sure of her words. She can be very persuasive and is capable of convincing others to do practically anything for her. She is incredibly intelligent and determined to achieve greatness and make a difference in the world. She enjoys reading, writing, and researching in the library.

Biography: Born on the Christmas of 2011 in Árneshreppur, Iceland to her mother and father, Zyannia and Quintar Shoran. She was a very quiet baby, and she never fussed. Two years later, her little sister, Wintera Shoran, was born. Atalya has never liked Wintera much, as she believes her to act primitively. Due to having a younger sibling that everyone dotes over, Atalya has always worked tirelessly to prove herself to everyone around her. Instead of playing outside like other children her age, she spent her time in her family's library, researching tirelessly. She never had any friends her age until she turned nine years old, when she met Jass White, a male pureblood from Ireland. They were, however, separated when Atalya's family moved to Winchester, England the next year for her father's new job at the English Ministry of Magic. The Shoran family is a Gray family, preferring to stay neutral. Atalya has always disagreed with this opinion, but does not voice her thoughts. Her father is a rather powerful man, with connections both in the Icelandic and British Ministries. Her mother is a typical pureblood housewife, but she does have several behind-the-scenes contacts. Atalya's personal tutor also lives with them in their manor, though Atalya usually already knows anything she tries to teach her. Atalya's family strongly believes that the woman's role is to follow her husband without say. Atalya, having always been quite intelligent, decided at the age of seven that she wanted to learn how to duel, if only to rebel. She has kept it quiet, though, as the resources her family possesses would not do well for her to lose due to disownment. Over the years, her skills have progressed greatly, despite not having access to a real wand or actual spells. Her family still knows nothing of her nightly dueling practices, and she cannot wait to be able to actually use magic at Hogwarts

First Instance of Magic Atalya's first instance of magic was at the age of four. She was in her family's library, searching for a book, when it suddenly floated off a shelf towards her. She caught the book with a shocked look on her face. She stared at it in confusion, before comprehending that she had just used magic for the first time. She grinned at the book before settling down in her favorite chair to read.