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Stella Flores
10 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,3 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Stella has brown hair and freckles scattered around her nose. She has chocolate brown eyes and soft scarlet lips. Her height 4' 9" and she has an average weight for an eleven-year-old. She has wavy locks that is always down or in a Bun. Her curtain bangs frame her face. She has a natural blush. She likes minimalist jewelry and goes out of her way to make sure she doesn't look unnatural.
She has a sweet smile and is always friendly and happy. She loves reading peacefully outdoors near the Hogwarts Great Lake. Always borrowing books from the library on her favorite topics. She also is passionate about nature and flowers. Every morning she takes a stroll with her best friend Aries Scythe. Sky gazing is one of her favorite pastimes including, cooking and making people smile with her recipes. Her favorite drink is butterbeer when she's at the Leaky Cauldron with her friends. She is always laughing and enjoying the moment.
Stella was born to Marilyn Flores and Joshua Flores, in England where she spent most of her life skipping around the block. Her mother Marilyn was a muggle-born which, who sadly died when Stella was around the age of 6. Her father took care of her nicely and she lives to appreciate him greatly. Stella misses her mother very much and thinks about her often. She has a younger brother called Jet, who whines almost everyday as he wasn't accepted into Hogwarts. Her father always tried to keep things easy for her and Jet but as time passed, he too couldn't help much. Jet grew up to be a young nine year old boy. Stella loves her brother and father and wishes they could be with her.
Stella had her First Instance of Magic shortly after her mother death. Her father had never told her about her mother's disease and when she passed, Stella just thought she was sleeping peacefully like any other bright child would. Understanding her mother's death, she experienced great pain and sorrow, crying herself to sleep each day. One day, she just broke down into tears while her father read Jet and her a bedtime story and she fell asleep. In the morning as soon as she woke up, she saw random objects floating around her room. Her father explained her magical background, and she was ecstatic. She knew the objects were doing that because of her, and was confirmed by her Hogwarts owl.