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Pendulum Feather
23 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
32,5 cm blackthorn wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Pendulum Feather is a fairly average looking person, even if their medium brown skin (see faceclaim) is a little out of the average in London. Somewhat short for their age, but not remarkably so, they appear as a rather feminine child, slightly older than their age due to an early growth spurt. They have shortish wavy black hair and dark brown eyes, wearing dark gray glasses with thin frames. Pendulum is also fairly slight and wears simple earrings and a shirt or t-shirt with jeans often when on the Muggle side of London.

Mental Description: Pendulum Feather is not as introverted as they might appear, but rather has a far lower requirement for social interaction than most. Despite this, Pendulum is happy to talk to their few close friends. Perhaps not the bravest of people, or the smartest, but Pendulum has a knack for seeing people for who they are and accepting them. They're rather creative as well. Just don't expect them to be able to focus on anything for long... or be surprised when they zone out at the most inconvenient moment.

Pendulum Feather was born in India, but they were too young to remember this. They moved to the UK with their parents when they were around two to three years old, moved to London from a smaller city a few years later, and have stayed there ever since.

Pendulum Feather is an only child and very close to their mother and father. They have a small fish tank at home and no other pets, and live in a semi-reasonably sized flat on the outskirts of London. Pendulum is somewhat socially anxious, liking neither new introductions nor crowds, and tends to stay at home. Their parents were once travelers but mostly stick to the city after an unnerving experience with magic left behind by wizards when Pendulum was young (not that their mom or dad recognized it as such, thus becoming uncertain about their understanding of the UK.)

First Instance of Magic: Pendulum was always a somewhat lucky child, but it never seemed like 'magic' until later on in their childhood. Pendulum was already nine when, upon a classmate's bike almost getting run over by a car, Pendulum performed their first instance of wandless magic (causing the bike to swerve out of the way of the car.) Along with being shocked, Pendulum was rather tired for a week afterwards. And now always checks for cars at least thrice before crossing the street.