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Orion Quinn
17 Feb 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
30,7 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Orion is an average height eleven year old with slick brown hair, frosty blue eyes and a pale complexion. He is always dressed well and clearly holds himself in high regard as he has excellent posture and every movement seems deliberate and purposeful.

Orion is very proud and as such, does not take criticism or failure gracefully and instead tends to double down when challenged. This often leads to conflict with other stubborn or braggadocious people.

Orion is the only child of the very wealthy Quinn family. His father Alabaster is a heist thief that was finally caught while trying to steal an unknown powerful dark object that was kept in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic. He is now in Azkaban. Orion's mother, Aoife, had a mental break after hearing the news and spends the majority of her time locked in her bedroom living out fantasies of family holidays and get togethers in between bouts of sanity and lucidity. No one at St Mungo's seems able to cure her as of yet. This leaves Orion largely to his own devices with none but his faithful house-elf, Wonkey, and grandmother, Rose to care for him.

Orion's first instance of magic was when he was four years old and his nanny had left him alone in the nursery for just a moment, locking the door behind her only for little Orion to curiously put a hand on the door knob only to hear a click as the door magically unlocked itself. It took three hours before anyone in Quinn Manor was able to find young Orion who was giggling gleefully behind a tapestry of the Quinn family tree.