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Haleigh Inkwell
01 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,7 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
[Physical Description: Haleigh Inkwell is a dirty blonde headed girl with medium length hair she has round glasses and is chubby. she is not very strong but she can still fight not very well though. Haleigh's glasses are a pink goldish color

Mental Description: Haleigh is a smart, kind, and loving girl. She is loyal and very trustworthy but if you break her trust, there is a very slight chance that you will earn it back. She is rarley mad and when she is it's usually because she is tired or the person she is or was talking to was very annoying or has betrayed her trust

Biography: Haleigh went to a normal school with normal friends she was a little popular and had many friends! she was also quite smart getting straight a's and b's, people also found her quite funny! Haleigh lives in London, England

First Instance of Magic: Haleigh was was about 9 when this happened. Haleigh was at a family reunion, she was very happy to see everyone. Except for her cousin Lamberta. Lamberta was a mean, stuck-up, and, snobby girl who made haleigh fell very mad or sad. In this instance Lamberta was messing with her stuffed frog "Fiona" and wouldn't give it back. When Haleigh tried to get it back the head ripped off, Haleigh was so mad, suddenly Lamberta's hair was on fire. Haleigh has schocked and kinda happy but she still felt quilty. Haleigh also got grounded for a week. ( Fiona the Frog was sewed back up by her mom)