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Colton Stone
18 Jan 2012
Bullsmoor, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring


Not part of validation:
No OOC or OOC samples

(p.s. I know that this isn't social media. I don't use social media because I have no interest in it, so don't make assumptions about whether I understand the purpose of this site or not. I also wasn't stating any spells from the books (not directly anyway, it was just what I thought of))

Physical Description: Dark-ish blond hair, short nose, hazel eyes. 5' 1/4". (Not OOC)

Mental Description: Average hearing for most things gifted at hearing things in music that most people don't hear. Average vision. I'm an introvert, so I don't like lots of people trying to talk to me. I also don't like having lots of friends. I have stage fright, so I don't like going up in front of people. I'd say that I'm not mean to people, but I'm not nice either; I'm more of in the middle. I also absolutely hate manners.

(Not part of validation: Below is hidden because yellow is hard to see on light colors)
Biography: I am, according to my parents, very gifted, and they put me in advanced classes. Then, someone who looked odd came and told me that he was from Hogwarts, and he told me about how I'm a wizard, and how any weird stuff going on was accidental magic. He gave me my supply list, told me how to get to Diagon Alley, told me how to get to Platform 9 3/4, and told me about the Houses and the Sorting. I was exited, but also nervous. I don't like going up in front of people for anything. (Not OOC)

First Instance of Magic: When I was 2 years old, my brother was born. I didn't seem to like the smaller amount of attention that I was getting, I guess that that made me very angry and irritated, so every now and then, my sheets in my crib/bed would catch fire out of nowhere, although the fire didn't hurt anything or anyone; it did no damage. My parents didn't notice that though. They were worried, of course, so they would come rushing to save me each time. This happened every day until I was 4 1/2 and my brother was around 2 1/2 then, it stopped. It stopped because I didn't want as much attention after that. (No OOC samples)


Important (not part of validation):

Don't delete my account. This is the only free pc Harry Potter game that I could find, I can't play any other Harry Potter game. Just keep this account.