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Nichole Larson
04 Jul 2012
Bathgate, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
25,3 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Nichole has blue eyes and slightly wavy dirty blonde hair. Her frame is fairly normal, though a little on the lean side. She's a little short for her age, being around 4'7" -- and consciously knows of this fact, since she's teased about it so much. Her features are mostly petite.

Mental Description: Nicole is a very narcissistic person. She's rude to people if she doesn't like them, and very superficial and shallow. she enjoys pampering herself but doesn't like revealing clothing. She loves talking trash, yet never really does anything about it. She does have a vulnerable side, however, and doesn't care who she shows it to. She never cares about what people think about her, and lives her life the way she wants to. She is fairly intelligent, and she decently tries in school, yet never is the top student. She also uses her wit to try to prank people.

Biography: As a pureblood, Nicky grew up in the magical community. She learned to read and write from her parents, and frequently grew up to bouts of magic that her parents displayed. Because she lived in Scotland, she was near sure after her first instance of magic at age 5 that she'd go to Hogwarts. She lived a happy life from a young age, even if her parents scolded her often.

First Instance of Magic: Nicky was in her room at age 5, playing with her dolls when her mom went into the room and offered her a cookie. Nicky reached in to take a bite, not realizing that it was fresh and hot out of the oven and was so shocked from the sheer heat of the cookie that she broke a few of the nearby dolls in half without touching them.