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Ginny Stark
10 Feb 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
26,0 cm ash wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Long, wavy, dirty blonde hair(with a reddish tinge); Sapphire blue eyes; Lightly pale skin; 5'0 height; a bunch of freckles along nose and cheeks; wears black glasses when she doesn't want to wear contacts

Mental Description: Sarcastic, sassy, stubborn, short-tempered, teasing, weird, nerd, smart, bookworm, artsy, techy, kind, can be VERY immature, acts like a child, can have bad anxiety, coffee addict, has a sweet tooth, prankster, oblivious, easily flustered.

Biography: Ginny lives in Dublin, Ireland. She lives with her muggle mum, Cassidy, and wizard dad, Eric. She is an only child, but does have a cat and an owl. Her cat is named Archie and her owl is Athena. She has always been fascinated by magic, and hopes she becomes a witch herself. Her dad always told her stories of when he was in Hogwarts, and she loved every story. She has never had any friends going to muggle school. She preferred being on her own anyways. She was the class clown. She always got into some kind of trouble, just like her dad did.

First Instance of Magic: Ginny was five when she performed her first bit of magic. Her parents had given her a haircut when she didn't want it. The next day, her hair was back to normal. It was like it was never cut.